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nitrogen (N) - 2%

phosphorus (P2O5) - 3%

potassium (K2O) - 4%

as well as extracts of humus compounds supporting fertilization.

Pelargonium fertilizer is a liquid organo-mineral fertilizer. Intended for use in the crops of all varieties of pelargonium grown on balconies and terraces, as well as at homes and in garden beds. Pelargonium fertilizer is also recommended for the cultivation of pelargonium in compositions with other plants.

Geranium fertilizer is rich in potassium and phosphorus - macronutrients that support flowering. Potassium and nitrogen in balanced amounts make the leaves of pelargonium firm and intensely green. In hot weather, geraniums require frequent abundant watering, up to twice a day. During the watering procedure, valuable minerals are flushed out of the soil. Therefore, it is very important to use fertilizer when watering. In order for the plants to develop new inflorescences, pelargonium fertilizer should be systematically applied. Pelargonium shoots are very brittle, and when hanging, they are prone to breaking by the wind, so it is important to provide the plants with phosphorus and potassium to strengthen the shoots. It should be remembered that the damage allows pathogens to penetrate very quickly. Nitrogen will provide plants with lush development and accelerate the regeneration and rebuilding of shoots after possible damage. If we provide geraniums with proper watering and fertilization, we will enjoy the beauty of their flowers until the first frost.

How to grow geraniums?

Geraniums are one of the easiest balcony plants to grow. They are perfect for people who are just starting their adventure with arranging a balcony. Among the many species and varieties of geraniums, we can mention the following: ivy-leaved, bedding and large-flowered, English (also royal). Ivy-leaved geraniums have a hanging shape, so we can create lush cascades of them, almost completely covering the balcony. If you prefer more upright plants or want to plant geraniums in a garden bed, it is worth choosing bed and large-flowered or English geraniums.


Once we choose the right seedling in the variety and color that we like the most, we start planting. The pH of the medium for pelargoniums should be in the range of 6.2-7.2. It is best to get a special substrate for balcony plants, soil dug out of the garden will definitely not work here. At the bottom of the pot or container intended for planting, we pour a layer of drainage to remove excess moisture, which geraniums cannot tolerate. For this purpose, we can use gravel, broken ceramic pots or expanded clay. Expanded clay is the lightest material, so it will be perfect for hanging pots and containers. Then, pour the substrate on the drainage layer, make holes and plant pelargonium seedlings. The substrate should be carefully kneaded so that the seedlings do not fall out under the weight of the pots. Small seedlings will soon grow and thicken in pots, so don't be influenced by their current appearance and plant them too densely. It will be best if we keep a minimum spacing of 25 cm between plants. After planting, water the plants abundantly and wait for them to take root. Two or three weeks after planting, we can start fertilizing geraniums.


Geraniums are one of the more drought-tolerant plants, but that doesn't mean we don't need to water them. They will forgive us if we forget to water them once. Long-term drying of the root ball, unfortunately, will result in the dying of flower buds and wilting of the leaves. Therefore, we should remember to water the plants every day, and every few waterings we fertilize the geraniums by dissolving a specialized geranium fertilizer in the water. However, excessive watering is worse for pelargoniums than infrequent watering. Overfilling the plant may result in root rot. It's good to know that not only fertilization improves flowering. During cultivation, faded inflorescences should be removed. Such pinching will inhibit the process of setting pelargonium seeds and stimulate the formation of new flower buds.


Geraniums are perennial plants, so if we want to keep our seedlings for the next season, we can overwinter them. As soon as frost is forecast, we must remove the geraniums from the balcony or terrace before they arrive. We move them to a bright room with a temperature of 8-12˚C, which will keep the seedlings at rest winter market. The temperature should not exceed 14˚C, because then the geraniums will start growing again. As soon as spring comes, we can gently trim the geraniums and move them to a warmer room or put them outside if there is no longer a risk of frost. It is safest to arrange balcony and terrace compositions after the so-called "Cold gardeners", because then the risk of possible frosts is small.

Application method

The nut serves as a measuring cup for dosing the fertilizer. We dilute with water 35 ml (1 cap *) of fertilizer in 1 liter of water. Water the plants with the prepared solution until the substrate reaches the correct humidity. We fertilize geraniums 1-2 times a week throughout the growing season.

* in a 2.5 l package - 2 caps correspond to a dose of 35 ml

Package:  1.2 L
