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Swedish original Surströmming is a type of fermented Baltic Sea herring. During production of surströmming, just enough salt is used to prevent the raw herring from rotting. A fermentation process of at least six months gives the fish a characteristic strong smell and somewhat acidic taste. According to a Japanese study, a newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world, stronger than similarly fermented fish dishes. 300g.

How to eat surströmming like a local: As the tin is pressurised, open the surströmming in a basin of water. Wash it, gut it, and wrap it in buttered tunnbröd, a type of sweetened flat bread, with slices of almond potatoes and diced onion. Accompany with beer, snaps and lots of friends.

Röda Ulven Surströmming Fillet ​300g. Total weight 300g. Contains 10-12 fish pieces.
Röda Ulven Surströmming Nutritions - 100g: Energy 225kj/61kcal; fat 0,5g; protein 9,7g; salt 7,5g. 

Always fresh, stored in a refrigerator up to 5 degrees
Best before - FEB/2025 - all cans

"Decayed herring" is a Swedish tradition and route its delicacies, which is not eaten by all Swedes, but it is becoming increasingly popular. While these herrings can be all year round, the delicacy season still begins in late August and ends in late September.

This product, known in Swedish as surströmming, is made from small Baltic Sea silks, which are caught in the spring, salted and "digested" (or more precisely, fermented or fermented) according to an old recipe. In this way, stinking acids are formed, and a little salt is added to keep the herring from rotting. This is a very old method of food preservation. About a month before getting on the table, the herring is placed in airtight closed cans, but the fermentation process also continues due to the fact that the can swells slightly. Traditionally, many producers are located on the main northern coast of Sweden. The can should be opened under water and the herring should be washed before serving. The can should be opened outdoors, but it is better to eat the herring itself inside, because the smell attracts flies. Surströmming has a pungent smell of rotten fish. Delicacy enthusiasts like it, and newcomers can be quite shocked. However, properly prepared roasted herring tastes completely different from the smell. Its taste is at the same time mild and spicy and spicy. However, additives are needed to maintain balance. How to eat rotted herring? As additives suitable onions, potatoes, sour cream, bread and a glass of vodka. It is traditionally eaten as a sandwich (klämma) wrapped in a thin loaf of bread. The bread is spread with butter, sliced ​​herring, slices of Swedish almond potato (mandelpotatis) and chopped onion. The bread is folded and eaten as a sandwich.

The mild sweetness of potatoes and onions perfectly offsets the sharp and intense taste of herring. In the northern areas, the bread is spread with both regular butter and soft goat's milk cheese (getmessmör). Although the seasoned herring season begins in late August, when spring herring is eaten, true enthusiasts of this product eat fermented herring from previous years. By that time, the herring is already fully ripe and soft.

It is important to store decayed herring properly. Ruben Madsen from Surströmming Academy on the island of Ulvön emphasizes that such herring is “always needed in a cool place. When kept warm, lactic acid in a can destroys protein. ”

If the smell of herring seems too strong, some tricks can be used. As already mentioned, the herring should be opened underwater. It is also advisable to attach your nose as close as possible to the herring as soon as you open the can and take a deep breath - after that no one will die anymore. No need to worry: herring tastes better than smell, just let your nostrils overcome the initial shock.