8" Vortex Dream Mat

This mat is 8" wide by ~36" long

Dream Mat is the 1st sluice mat to be scientifically engineered with advanced fluid dynamic principles. 
Based off the elegant physics of Mini Hydro-Cyclone cells capturing the gold. Dream Mats vortex cells
exploits nature?s own forces in a patented system to bring the finest gold recovery to your pan.
Patent US 9168536 B2
Traditional sluice mats & grates have a fluid dynamic called "Secondary Boundary Layer" that migrates
gold through the sluice. Like pencils rolling under a brick, this layer of rolling moving fluid
consonantly moves the material out the direction with the flow. Beside the over burden, clogging of
riffles, grates, moss. ONLY Dream Mat continually stops this process by profiles that spin the flow
on a vertical axis back against the flow, acting like a swirling cheese grater, it constantly breaks
down the process of the rolling "Secondary Boundary Layer" and captures the fine gold in a collection
cell in a safe active fluid bed of black sands. Like a circular run-away truck ramp, the heavy gold
is quickly trapped & sinks to the bottom. Years of research & field testing has vetted inferior designs & recovery RESULTS were always the
bases of a successful design.

Most of all have fun, enjoy your product, enjoy this great hobby and keep us in the loop, we want to
hear all about our customers enjoying the many products on offer.
If you have any questions hit us up on Instagram/active.across.scotland