Best of Tommy Emmanuel

Condition: New - Unused - Unopened
Authorized Dealer: Musical Progressions
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Format: Softcover
Series: Guitar Recorded Version
Includes Tablature
Artist: Tommy Emmanuel
Pages: 8840
12 transcriptions from the versatile, award-winning Aussie guitarist, including: Blue Moon - Can't Get Enough - Classical Gas - Countrywide - Determination - Guitar Boogie Shuffle - Hearts Grow Fonder - The Hunt - Initiation - The Journey - Stevie's Blues - Up from Down Under.

Blue Moon - Can't Get Enough - Classical Gas - Countrywide - Determination - Guitar Boogie Shuffle - Hearts Grow Fonder - Initiation - Stevie's Blues - The Hunt - The Journey - Up From Down Under

Size: 12in x 9in

UPC: 884088166359

ISBN: 9781423431756

Inventory#: 000690909