SERVER SPECIFICATION: RAM - 4GB | fast SSD - 30 GB | CPU Cores - 3 | Bandwidth Unlimited (fair usage)

OPERATING SYSTEM CHOICE: Windows 10, debian 11, ubuntu - mention after the order which OS you prefer to use

New VPS Control Panel Features: Start | Restart | Power Off | VNC Access | change OS

Strictly No Refund Policy | Strictly No Cancellation Allowed | No Illegal Usage / No Spam Usage
Delivery Time: 2 min to 8 hrs

VPS access is valid for = 3 Days.

If you add to the card and pay for 2 hostings you will get two months or more hosting... For more information contact us.

At the end of your subscription We will send you a bill on our portal and your Plan will be attached. If you want to renew after one month you will have to pay for the Plan with provided instructions.

Informing: If we detect spamming, hacking, or any illegal activity on the server, it will be immediately terminated without intimation and refunds.

Additional - Leave positive feedback and get 2 days free extension.