Custom Handmade 12oz Boxing Gloves |To Train & Spar| Gym Closed B4 Using (COVID).

I have over 50 pairs of these pretty high quality boxing gloves that I purchased from a privately owned gym that was about to introduce some boxing classes to its repertoire, right before the pandemic had other plans.

They service both men and women, but the color scheme was chosen mostly for a female and youth audience. (Pink and Blue) You will also find the glove the triangle with the name of the company in the side. The words are generic enough to blend with your brand if you were using these for commercial reasons and the colors, though not traditional, are a bright blue with a pink accent. On the glove itself you will also find words representing positive vibes likes

Patience, Gentleness,Control, Love , Kindness, Joy, Goodness, and a few other terms.

We have about 40 pairs of these so if you know anyone who might run a rec center or youth group that may want to purchase these in bulk.

These are high quality gloves, discounts for volume.