Label: Fallout
Code: FOCD2054
Condition: brand new
Having sungwith Canadianhippie rockersLife, thissuperbvocalistrecorded her only solo album for the tinyCrescent City label in 1969.Alternating between tenderballads and psych-tinged rockand roll, it's a consistentlystrong set that has long beena well-kept secret amongstconnoisseurs of undergroundmusic. Zimmerman went onto tour as a backing singerfor Leonard Cohen, beforeforming pop-rockers Toulousein the mid-70s - but it's thisrare album that bestshowcases her powerful,affecting voice.
Track listing:
1. Don't Twist My Mind2. You're The One3. Contemplation4. Bidin' My Time5. Just To Say Goodbye6. Theme For An Imaginary Western7. Cause The World Is Mine8. Paint Me A Picture9. Love Me, Love My Children10. Children Of The Universe