Tarnowski family

Homeland Tarnovskih
Dedicated to the famous Ukrainian Cossack officers' family, who became famous svimi patronage and charitable activity. From this place famous figures Hetman - captains and colonels. To him belonged Vasily Tarnowski Jr., thanks to the unique collection which was founded by Ukrainian antiquities museum in the city of Chernihiv (currently - Chernihiv Historical Museum).

We also add that Vasily Tarnowski (Jr.), Ukrainian kollektsionr and philanthropist, owner of the renowned names Kachanivka, leader of nobility and Borznyansky Nizhyn county Chernigov province, posed Repin when writing the last picture "The Cossacks writing a letter to the Sultan." In Kachanovke Repin also make rubbings Cossack ammunition for his famous paintings.


Features coins
Denomination: 10 hryvnia Mintage: 10,000 pcs.
Material: 925 sterling silver Quality: proof
Diameter: 38,60 mm. Weight: 31.10 gr.
Edge: inscription