For Sale

John-Lloyd Holler  //  36,6 inches x 55,1 inches Print
Signed by Sven Marquardt

This is an archive sale from our private collection, the manager of Galerie Deschler

Kathleen Sichelschmidt has verified the prints as authentic.

To make sure all is in good virtue, part of the proceeds will be allocated both 
To Sven Marquardt himself, and the individuals depicted within the images. 

These are one of one prints.  

This is what makes them so special, as we are the owners of the negatives,
And only one single print of each of these images is in existence world-wide.
And they have only ever been exhibited as part of an invites-only show event 
With 50 select attendees from the art space in 2018. The original lot consisted 
Of 20 prints in total.

All of the outfits depicted are part of a seminal collection created by our own collective
Last Heirs, which has since then been the first German fashion house to dress
The Super Bowl Halftime show with Bad Bunny in 2020, the outfit of which was
Created together with Swarovski & Nike, is now in the permanent collection at
Madame Tussaud’s in New York’s time square to honour Bad Bunny, now officially
The most played musical artist in the world since 2022.

This print depicts John-Lloyd Holler, the current manager of Melitta Sundström, one of the seminal Gay bars of Berlin,
Which was instrumental in creating a safe environment for all LGBTQ+ peoples in Berlin to congregate, share ideas.