The Lurker at the Threshold’, Written by H.P.Lovecraft with August Derleth

Panther Horror

One the edge of time, the Old Ones prepared their ancient evil…

The old mansion in Billington’s Wood had stood empty and shunned for over a hundred years – until Ambrose Dewart arrived to claim his family inheritance.  But Dewart found a terrifying legacy of weirdness awaiting him there: a strange tower surrounded by a ring of stones, a window of coloured glass offering glimpses into some dimension of unearthly horror, a library of dark and secret lore – and local legends involving mysterious rites and the conjuration of vile, age-old Powers from beyond space and time.

Most frightening of all, Dewart found his arrival had brought these horrors to life again. And the Lurker was once more preparing to cross the Threshold


And August Derleth, two of the greatest-ever masters of the macabre, have created a chilling novel of ultimate evil that will grip your soul in a fist of ice.

Fiction/Fantsy & Horror

H.P.Lovecraft. (1970) The Lurker at the Threshold. Herts, Panthers books Ltd.

Pages: 160