Red Kanga

Australian Made Natural Sunscreen. More than just a sunscreen.

All Australian ingredients where possible. Estimated sun protection is 30+ spf, 85g can size.


1. Virgin Coconut Oil

2. Bees Wax (sourced from NSW honey farms)

3. Unrefined Shea Butter

4. Zinc Oxide (Approx >40 microns) (maximum 50 SPF)

5. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (maximum 8 SPF)

6. Pomegranate Seed Oil (max 15-20 SPF)

7. Aloe Vera Oil (max 10 SPF)

8. Carrot Seed Oil (max 25 SPF)

9. Lavender Oil

We pride ourselves in providing only natural ingredients yet still competing with the commercial/pharmaceutical brands in sun protection. We provide >40 micron Zinc Oxide for maximum sun protection which is 400 times larger particles than the nasty nano zinc oxide. They consider nano to be anything smaller than <0.1 micron.

The (NSW) Bees Wax will assist with water resistance whilst getting wet. The essential oils (6-8) will provide your skin with vitamin E nourishment. Whilst all of the oils hold their own individual benefits including;- extra sun protection, moisturising your skin, anti-bacterial. healing, honey aroma properties and lots more.

Please check our other listings for zinc free moisturising sunscreens.