TI. HEMSTERHVSII: ORATIONES, quarum prima est de Paulo Apostolo. L.C. VALCKENARI: TRES ORATIONES, quibus fubiectum est Schediasma, Specimen exhibens Adnotationum Criticarum in loca quaedam Librorum Sacrorum Novi Foederis

Author: Tiberius Hemsterhuis and Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer
Title: TI. HEMSTERHVSII: ORATIONES, quarum prima est de Paulo Apostolo. L.C. VALCKENARI: TRES ORATIONES, quibus fubiectum est Schediasma, Specimen exhibens Adnotationum Criticarum in loca quaedam Librorum Sacrorum Novi Foederis
Publication: Lugduni Batavorum: S. et J. Luchtmans, et A. et J. Honkoop, 1784
Edition: First Edition

Description: Hardcover. Later writings by the Dutch philologist and critic Tiberius Hemsterhuis (1685-1766), with a selection of work by his disciple, Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer (1715-85), who succeeded Hemsterhuis as Chair of Greek at Leiden. Octavo: [2], lvi, 412, [2] p. In a later full cloth binding, with gilt titles. The ink signature of Welham R. Williams appears on the title page, with his handwritten notes to the verso of the half-title and the final leaf. Some general dust staining to the top edge, with a bit of mild wear to the corners and tips. Very good.

Seller ID: 76186

Subject: Language

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