Chilli Rainbow Banana 30 Seeds, Tasty, Grown in Qld Australia , Organic. 4 amazing colours on every plant

30 Organic Rainbow Banana Chilli Seeds

Tasty, Grown in Qld Australia,

Green, Yellow, Orange an Red sweet fruit

No Chemicals or Sprays Used

Caring For Plants:

Growing organic banana chillies requires plenty of sun, warm soil and a long growing season. Starting them from transplants is how to grow a banana chilli in all but the warmest zones.

Start the seeds indoors at least 40 days before you wish to plant the peppers outdoors. Sow them under a light dusting of soil in peat pots and transplant seedlings outdoors after all danger of frost has passed and when soil temperatures warm to 16°C.

Place the plants in well-drained soil where the plants receive at least eight hours of sunlight per day.

Caring for Banana chilli plants is not difficult but a little TLC will increase your yield and the size of the fruit.

Fertilise banana chilli plants after fruit begins to set with a 12-12-12 or if Organic growing use other types of fertilsers such as Yates Dynamic Lifter,  Blood n bone, Kelp 1 cap to 1 litre of water.

Taste is sweet

We wish you every success growing

Organic Banana Chillies

Copyright 2021, All rights reserved

Unlike the others our seeds comes with :


The Right Item

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Organic Seed


Australian Grown Seed

Same Or Next Day Shipping (ex hol, weekends)

Grower Qualified Cert + Dip Lscpe "Distinction"

Tested In The Field

Farming, Nursery & 25 + Years Exp Growing