Dirt bike motorcycle (motocross) 100% cotton latch hook rug canvas. Finished work approximately 20 1/2" x 33". Can be completed as a rug or as a wall hanging.

Vintage new old stock. Canvas only. No yarn is included. Canvas is in zip lock packaging because it never had original packaging from the distributor.

PLEASE READ: This is a 1970's era canvas. The canvas has damage on both the left and right sides at the middle point, but not in the work area. The artist only left 3 columns/grids free on the left and right sides for binding. The original folds and bumping into other canvases caused the 2 outside columns/grids on the right and the 1 outside column/grid on the left to separate near the middle, leaving only 1 blank column/grid for binding on the right and 2 on the left. This may not be an issue because binding is usually stitched into the edge of the last worked column anyway, but we want you to be aware of it. You can also choose not work the outside 1 or 2 columns/grids of the design and make it a 20" x 33" finished work instead. Actually I think the project looks better if the height is reduced by 2" (1" from the top and 1" from the bottom), but it's up to you.