Experience Fast Relief From Your Toughest Migraines

If you are looking for fast pain relief from your toughest migraine pain and symptoms, all without a prescription, you should consider trying Excedrin Migraine Coated Caplets.

Excedrin Migraine pain reliever caplets are designed specifically to help treat migraine headaches. These pain relief tablets are FDA-approved to treat symptoms including pain, photophobia, nausea, phonophobia and related conditions.

Excedrin Migraine Coated caplets are the first over-the-counter migraine pain reliever to contain three ingredients proven effective at treating disabling migraine pain. In clinical studies, individuals who took Excedrin Migraine caplets while experiencing moderate to severe migraines had effective relief after taking just one dose.

Aspirin Tames Pain-Causing Inflammation

A well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory that has been used for more than a century; aspirin works is by blocking the body’s production of prostaglandins in the peripheral nervous system. Aspirin helps to prevent the transmission of pain signals to the brain by stopping the production of prostaglandins.