Name: Cherubini

Artist: David Lawrence

Item No: TJDLCA7

Collection Name: Treasure Jest

Subset Name: Small Treasure Jest

Exclusive To:

Made In: England

Status: Retired

Carving Date: 2002

Release Date: 10/22/2002

In Store Date: 2/1/2003

Retirement Date: 3/2/2008

Edition Size: 3500

US Issue Price in USD: $49.5

UK Issue Price in GBP: £34.95

CAN Issue Price in CND: $75

Category: Box Figurine

Dimensions (Inches): 1.6 x 1.9 x 2.9

The Great Latrino was returning in triumph! For four years he had been touring the globe, conducting sell out performances of his phenomenally successful operas. His cat Cherubini, the only memento of home he now kept, had ascended from stringy alley cat to sleek-furred feline cat-about-town. His caterwauling transformed to a melodious basso howl. The Italian-born composer Luigi Cherubini was known for his dramatic operas, sharp tongue and compulsive orderliness. The top hat this dapper cat hides in doesn’t seem to belong to the composer though. The “10/6” indicates that it belongs to the Mad Hatter from “Alice in Wonderland.” On the interior, a carrot and footprints indicate the White Rabbit has passed this way.