Latch hook canvas "JOG" with running shows. Design size 15 1/2" square. Can be completed as a pillow or picture.

Vintage stock. Canvas only. No yarn is included. This canvas is from a small independent manufacturer who visited our retail yarn shop back in the 1970s. 

PLEASE READ: The canvas shows its age and has slight damage on the right side where it has unraveled a little. The red line in the picture is the edge of the work area for a 15 1/2" square, and you can see the unraveled part in the next column (lower in the picture) and the in second column (upper in the picture). We will include an extra swatch of canvas that you can underlap behind the damage area and latch your yarn through both canvases, with at least 4 rows/columns to lock them together. Another option is to not complete the last 1 or 2 columns on the left and right sides (and top and bottom rows to keep it a square) and make the project into a 14 3/4" square instead of a 15 1/2" square. Or, if you plan to use backing strips, then your backing strip will likely be sewn at the red line anyway, but underlapping with the swatch is likely best.