Tired of the unpleasant symptoms of PMS or menopause?

🌟Shine in your best light with the natural power of essential oils!🌟


Ever wished you could wave a wand and send PMS or menopause symptoms on a vacation to a distant island?

Well, we might not be wizards, but we’ve got the next best thing – Venus!!

Venus is a unique spray, carefully formulated for modern women.

It’s not just another product on the market; it’s a natural solution designed to help you manage and alleviate the symptoms of PMS and menopause such as:


πŸ‘‰tenderness and tension in the breasts,

πŸ‘‰mood swings,


πŸ‘‰hot flashes,

πŸ‘‰night sweats,

πŸ‘‰sleep troubles, 

πŸ‘‰decreased sexual desire,

πŸ‘‰and others.

Created with love and scientifically supported, Venus contains the purest essential oils that work synergistically for optimal results.

Venus is a natural spray that combines the miraculous properties of essential oils from Clary Sage, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Roman chamomile, and Tangerine.

These plants have been recognized for their therapeutic properties for centuries:

🌸  Clary sage regulates hormones. One component of clary sage oil is sclareol, which mimics the effects of estrogen in the body

🌸  Geranium alleviates feelings of anxiety. A study found that aromatherapy with geranium essential oil was beneficial at stimulating secretion of salivary estrogen.

🌸  Ylang ylang elevates the anxiety and boosts mood. One of the most well-known benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is that it acts as a potent aphrodisiac. Its sensual aroma helps to boost the libido, heighten sexual arousal, elevate the sense of touch, and encourage intimacy

🌸  Roman chamomile relaxes and soothes

🌸  Tangerine brings you a feeling of joy and freshness

πŸƒImagine a day when PMS or menopause symptoms no longer affect your well-being.

πŸƒA day when you feel relaxed, balanced, and full of energy.

Venus brings you just that – the natural power to overcome everyday challenges.

It’s time to take care of yourself!

Apply Venus on pulse points, in the room, on the pillow, or simply spray it on a handkerchief and take a deep breath.

Discover the power of nature and ensure peaceful days and nights.

πŸ”₯ Ready to unleash your inner goddess?

Venus awaits to unveil its powerful natural essence.

βœ¨πŸ’ƒ Every woman carries a special spark and strength within her.

With Venus, you will feel this strength even more profoundly, effortlessly handle everyday challenges, and feel in harmony with your body.

Don’t let PMS or menopause symptoms stand in your way.

Choose natural, choose Venus.