
Pitta dosha can lead to problems with blood circulation, which will cause the body to heat up, disrupt metabolic pathways, and cause an increase in endotoxins This can lead to chronic skin diseases and gut inflammation This gritham is beneficial in treatment of the same
Mahatiktaka Ghrita can help to soothe the effects of in the gut and intestine, including issues with belching, acid reflux, and indigestion
Mahatiktaka Ghrita is a Ayurvedic remedy that is used to improve skin health and immunity and heal chronic lesions Most lifestyle diseases result in an inflammation and Mahatiktaka Ghrita helps to break down inflammatory pathways and restore metabolism treating the same
Adult (18+ years): 10 – 50 g mixed in half a glass of water, twice daily or as directed by an Ayurvedic physician
AVP The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd Established in 1943 is a pioneer in the Ayurveda industry, and all of its 500+ products are based on Ayurvedic principles using a mix of traditional and modern techniques at its GMP certified facility
Nimbha – Beneficial In Managing Skin Diseases
Chandana – Acts As A Blood Purifier. Effective In The Management Of Infertility And Helmenthiasis. Beneficial In Debility.
Indrayavam – Alleviates Itching, Beneficial In Managing The Symptoms Of Skin Diseases And Helmenthiasis.
Beneficial Remdey In Skin Diseases Of Inflammatory Nature
Manages Conditions Like Oedema, Eczema
Can Be Used To Treat Boils And Soothe Itching
Ayurvedic Medicine For Skin Rashes
Beneficial In The Treatment Of Jaundice, Goitre, Psychotic State And Intoxication 
As directed by an Ayurvedic Physician