Product Description

Roasted and Packed in The U.S.

Roasted to perfection, we grind the coffee and pack them immediately to ensure that the flavors are locked in, producing the freshest cup of joe every time.

We Take Pride in Producing a Great Tasting Cup of Coffee

Our team dedicates their time in R&D to bring out the best flavors of each coffee bean.

We have rigorous cupping sessions...

Blends takes months before they are ready for the market.

Quality and Consistency

Rest Assured

We will never compromise Quality and Consistency.

Each batch of coffee is tested by a team of Certified Q Graders to ensure the quality and consistency of the flavor profile we aim to achieve.

Roast Profile Medium Roast Dark Roast French Roast Dark Roast French Roast Medium Roast
Flavor Notes Rich Milk Chocolate with a hint of bitterness Peanuts Covered in Dark Chocolate and Caramel Nutty Milk Chocolate with a Hint of Cinnamon Roasted Cocoa Rich in Dark Chocolate, with a hint of bitterness Deep Dark Chocolate with Sugar cane sweetness Semi-Citrusy, Nutty, with Brown Sugar finish
Acidity Low Acidity Low Acidity Low Acidity No Acidity No Acidity aLow Acidity
Bold Bold Semi-Bold Semi-Bold Bold Bold+ Semi-Bold
Finish Light-Nutty Smooth Finish Cane Sugar Finish Cinnamon Smooth Finish Milky Smooth Finish Buttery Smooth Finish Chocolate/Brown Sugar Finish
Servings 100 Cups of Coffee 100 Cups of Coffee 100 Cups of Coffee 100 Cups of Coffee 100 Cups of Coffee 100 Cups of Coffee
Roasted and Packed in The USA