Karl May

Classic Edition

16 Films




Karl May: The greatest adventure films in German film history - for the first time in a box and on DVD.

With a worldwide circulation of over 200 million books, Karl May is the most widely read German-language author and the film adaptations of his works with stars such as Pierre Brice, Lex Barker, Götz George, Terence Hill, Mario Adorf, Klaus Kinski and Uschi Glas still inspire millions. Relive the great moments of German cinema with the most extensive collection of the best Karl May films of all time and many hours of additional bonus material - for the first time on DVD.

Included in this edition are:

The Treasure in the Silver Lake (1962, approx. 106 min.)
In order to get the treasure map to the treasure in the silver lake, the ruthless crime boss Brinkley murders the father of the young Fred Engel. But the old angel only had one half of the plan, the other belongs to Farmer Patterson. Without further ado, Brinkley and his men kidnap him and his beautiful daughter Ellen. Together with Winnetou and Old Shatterhand, Fred Engel takes up the pursuit because Ellen is his secret love. When the three enter Utah Indian territory, they are attacked by Indians. Because the insidious Brinkley destroyed a Utah village and drew suspicion on Old Shatterhand. While the pursuers now have to fight for their lives, Brinkley approaches the silver lake with his hostages...

Winnetou and the Half-Blood Apanatschi (1966, approx. 91 min.)
The pretty half-Indian Apanatschi receives a hidden gold mine from her father Mac Haller for her 21st birthday. However, the new property harbors a deadly danger: the dreaded Curly Bill gang attack the family and shoot Mac Haller. Together with her brother Happy, Apanatschi manages to escape to Old Shatterhand at the last moment. Since Apanachi is the only one who knows the way to the precious vein of gold, Old Shatterhand sends the two siblings to the safe railroad camp Rocky Ground under the protection of his friend Sam Hawkens. But the cold-blooded Curly-Bill finds out Apanatschi's whereabouts and has the "gold girl" kidnapped. Old Shatterhand and Winnetou give chase ...

Winnetou and his friend Old Firehand (1966, approx. 94min.)
The unscrupulous Silers and his gang terrorize the border strip between Texas and New Mexico: Winnetou's sister Nschotschi was seriously injured in the clashes and four Apaches lost their lives. When Siler's brother Billy-Bob is booked into Miramonte prison for manslaughter, the gang threatens to turn the small border town into a sea of ​​flames. Old Firehand asks his old friend Winnetou for help. Police chief Mendozza and most of Miramonte's citizens insist on a procedure - and face the deadly attack together with Winnetou and Old Firehand. When Billy-Bob dies trying to escape, Silers' thirst for revenge can no longer be curbed...

Among Vultures (1964, approx. 99 min.)
The "Vultures", a notorious bandit army, rule the border area between New Mexico and Texas, the Llano Estacado. They unscrupulously attack all travelers whose way to the golden west leads through these wild rocky mountains. The gang doesn't even shy away from the Shoshone, the rightful "lords" of the Llano - there are always new, bloody clashes. When the "vultures" attack Surehand's old friend, the bear hunter Baumann, and his family, the situation escalates: Baumann, in his desperation, thinks the Shoshone are guilty and insults chief Wokadeh. Winnetou's and Old Surehand's attempts at mediation fail: the Indians want to take revenge on Baumann for the sake of their honor. And then the "vultures" strike again ...

The Oil Prince (1965, approx. 91 min.)
The ruthless "Oil Prince" has chosen Lake Shelly as the scene of a major scam: he wants to sell the president of the Arizona Commercial Bank a non-existent oil well. But the dizziness threatens to blow up at the last minute. A trek of settlers is on the way to the lake to settle there. The land was made available to the settlers by the Navajo Indians. So that his criminal machinations are not exposed, the oil prince has the settler scout murdered and exchanges him for a fake trek leader. But Winnetou, Old Surehand and the oddball Old Wabble accidentally figured out the scam - and finally lead the settlers to their destination. Then the enraged oil prince comes up with a devilish plan: He murders the Navajo chief's son and directs suspicion to the settlers..

Old Surehand (1965, approx. 93 Min.)
The "General" and his gang, a horde of unscrupulous railroad robbers, ride murderous through the Indian territory. The scoundrels' goal is to start a war between the Comanches and the white settlers in order to capitalize on the unrest. Tou-wan, the Comanche chief's son, sees through the plan. He rides to Mason City, where the Comanches once signed a peace treaty with Judge Edwards, and wants to protest there against the violations of the treaty. But Tou-wan falls victim to an insidious crime. Judge Edwards is horrified because he knows what the death of the chief's son means: war. Old Surehand and Winnetou are the last resort. You must dissuade Comanche chief Maki-moteh from his war plans by finding his son's killer as quickly as possible...

Winnetou I (1963, approx. 101 min.)
At the instigation of the bandit Santer, the Great Western Railroad is laid through the middle of the Apache region. Santer wants to share the profit resulting from the straightened route with the site manager Bancroft. Old Shatterhand, the company's surveyor, sees through the insidious plan - but too late: Santer captures the chief's son Winnetou and hands him over to the enemy tribe of the Kiowa Indians. Old Shatterhand manages to free Winnetou - secretly, the Indian doesn't even see his helper. When the angry Apaches then attack the railroad workers' camp, Old Shatterhand is severely wounded and overpowered by Winnetou. He is to die at the stake with the other prisoners...

Winnetou II (1964, approx. 95 min.)
Chief Winnetou wants to ensure lasting peace after the death of his father: He invites the heads of all Indian tribes to a peace conference together with Colonel Merril at Fort Niobara. As a sign of reconciliation between red and white, Merril's son agrees to marry Winnetou's great love, Ribanna. With a heavy heart, Winnetou gives in. He sees this as the only chance to finally put a stop to the unscrupulous Forrester gang. But Forrester's assassins constantly bring new unrest into the peace negotiations: they attack a peaceful trek of settlers and cleverly direct suspicion towards Ribanna's Indian tribe. A warlike escalation seems inevitable...

Winnetou III (1965, approx. 93 min.)
Settlement speculators are after precious Indian land. The ruthless businessmen send white bandits into the Indian territory, who don't even shy away from murder and thus cause bad blood. But Winnetou and Old Shatterhand initially manage to stem the deadly clashes. On behalf of the governor, the two begin peace negotiations with the rebellious Jicarillo Indians. During the negotiations with Chief White Buffalo, the cunning candidate leader Rollins suddenly appears: in his arms lies the badly battered corpse of the chief's son - and Winnetou's knife is still in the ribs of the murdered man...

The Treasure of the Aztecs (1965, approx. 101 mins)
Mexico 1864: There is a bloody war between Mexicans and French occupiers for supremacy in the country. The American President Abraham Lincoln sends the German doctor Dr. Sternau in support of Mexican President Benito Juarez. Sternau is supposed to help Juarez finance the War of Resistance and establish contact with the richest landowner in the country. But already on the outward journey a dangerous incident occurs: the coarse Captain Verdoja, who controls the stagecoach with his troops, does not want to let a female passenger travel further. Sternau courageously confronts the officer - but he has to pay dearly for it: Verdoja wants to have him shot. Swabian cuckoo clock salesman Andreas Hasenpfeffer is Sternau's last chance...

The Pyramid of the Sun God (1965, approx. 98 min.)
Captain Verdoja and his gang raid the hacienda where Dr. Sternau and his friends spend the night. First, the criminals can be put to flight and Verdoja can even be captured. But the sinister crook escapes with the help of the fiery Mexican Josefa and undertakes a second attack - this time with success: Sternau and his friends are overpowered and are defenseless at the mercy of the villain's tortures. Verdoja takes some of the prisoners to the pyramid of the sun god, where the Aztec treasure is said to be hidden. dr Sternau, who managed to escape earlier, mobilizes the surviving residents of the hacienda and takes up the pursuit..

Old Shatterhand (1963, approx. 119 min.)
A gruesome raid on the Northern Ranch shatters peace negotiations between Native Americans and white settlers. The farm dwellers have been murdered - and the bodies of two Apaches raise suspicions about Winnetou's tribe. A little later another terrible incident occurs: a trek of settlers is ambushed in a canyon. In addition to the victims, dead Apaches remain at the scene of the crime. Old Shatterhand, who happens to meet the trek, doesn't believe in the guilt of the Indian friends and goes in search of the real culprits. Together with Winnetou he finds out that the Comanches are behind the raids. Winnetou challenges the Comanche chief to a life-or-death struggle...

Winnetou and Shatterhand in the Valley of the Dead (1968, approx. 89 min.)
Commander Major Kingsley is accused by the court-martial of eloping to Mexico with the US Fort Dawson war chest. When Kingsley's daughter Mabel found out about the trial, she immediately set off in the stagecoach. A letter from her father is intended to prove his innocence: the letter contains a reference to the whereabouts of the gold. But not only the court is interested in this valuable information: together with his gang, the unscrupulous gangster Murdock rides towards the stagecoach. He wants to know where the gold is hidden — at any cost. Only a coincidence leads Old Shatterhand to the scene of the action and allows him to prevent a crime. When Old Shatterhand and Mabel meet Winnetou a little later, they learn the true secret of the missing gold...

The Schut (1964, approx. 114 min.)
The Schut and his cunning gang cut a bloody swath through the Balkans. When the cruel bandit kidnapped the French merchant Henry Galingré, a friend of Kara Ben Nemsi, Kara and his companion Hatschi Halef Omar set out on the murderous trail of Schut. In a burning village, a sadistic feature of the criminal: a severed ear nailed to a front door. Tschita, the pretty daughter of the farmer Osko, was kidnapped by the gang - Osko himself was the only one who survived the robbery. But Schut has another cruel surprise in store for the pursuers who are approaching...

Through Wild Kurdistan (1964, approx. 103 min.)
Kurdistan in the 19th century: The power-hungry Mahrej of Mosul, governor of the Turks, oppresses the Kurdish people without mercy. Through his behavior, he almost evokes the resistance of the Kurds. When Machresch's soldiers kidnap the resistance fighter Ahmed el Corda at a waterhole, the tensions between the two peoples intensify, Scheik Mohamed, Ahmed's father, asks his friend Kara Ben Nemsi for help...

In the Realm of the Silver Lion (1965, approx. 91 minutes)
Kara Ben Nemsi has brought down the criminal Machrej. But the villain escaped his fatal punishment - he lives. On his revenge campaign, Machresch wants to destroy his deadly enemy Kara and also get hold of the greatest booty of his life: the legendary, infinitely precious Chaldean gold treasure, which is kept in the rock labyrinth of the Nedjir Monastery. With his unscrupulous ally, the bandit Abu Seif, Machrej kidnapped the daughter of the Chaldean chief. Ingdscha is to be exchanged as a hostage for the treasure. Kara, along with Hajji Halef Omar and the Sheikh's son Ahmed, takes up the pursuit of the criminal gang. But Machresch sets a deadly trap for his pursuers...

Special Features
  • Interview with Karl May publisher Bernhard Schmid
  • original excerpts from the newsreel (incl. "Daliah Lavi")
  • "Film Restoration" documentation
  • "The Hair" restoration
  • film error quiz
  • photo gallery with rare set photos
  • original cinema trailer
  • making of with star interviews
  • exclusive interview documentation with Götz George, Pierre Brice, Martin Böttcher, Eva Ebner, Dunja Rajter and others
  • interview with H. Wendlandt and V. Schlöndorff

Video: 16:9 Colour

Audio: English (Dolby Digital 5.1/2.0), German (Dolby Digital 5.1/2.0)

Subtitles: English, German

Packaging: German

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