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Zenport EP564 Easy-Fit Ear Plugs with Corded Neck String, 100 Pairs - 2 Pack

Zenport EP564 Easy-Fit Ear Plugs with Corded Neck String, 100 Pairs - 2 Pack

The Zenport EP564 easy-to-fit ear plugs with corded nylon neck string comes in a box of 100 pairs. Great to have on hand for field crews or for use where ear plugs need to be replaced often. Great for use by landscape and farm crews.



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Delivery time:
We offer a variety of shipping options, so your delivery time will vary depending on the option you pick. We ship all orders within 1 business day, and try our best to ship same-day whenever possible. Orders placed prior to noon PST have the highest chance of being shipped same-day. Please contact us if you require expedited shipping.


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  • Debit Card
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  • PayPal

Please contact us if you have any questions.


Zenport offers a 1 year limited warranty on their products. This warranty covers the repair or replacement of defective products that were not used for commercial use. View their full warranty for more information.