

12th October 1960 

Lovely set issued to mark the 400th anniversary of the discovery of Florida, in the Americas.

The stamps depict:
  • Pedro Menéndez de Avilés (1519–1574), Spanish admiral and explorer, remembered for planning the first regular trans-oceanic convoys and for founding St. Augustine, Florida in 1565;
  • Hernando de Soto (c.1496–1542), Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the first European expedition deep into the territory of the modern-day United States, and made the first documented crossing of the Mississippi River;
  • Juan Ponce de León (1474-1521), Spanish explorer and conquistador who became the first Governor of Puerto Rico;
  • Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (c.1489–1558), Spanish explorer of the New World.
Catalogue numbers:

Michel ES 1193-1200; catalogue value €10.00 ($16.00 approx.)
Stamp Number ES 945-952
Yvert et Tellier ES 979-986
Stanley Gibbons ES 1359-1366
AFA number ES 1295-1302
Edifil ES 1298-1303