“Forest Meditations” is an extraordinary and first of its kind kit for the independent practice of forest bathing.

It has been developed by certified shinrin yoku guides so that everyone can create their own individual, unique forest bathing session.

“Forest Meditations” cards will enhance your walk in nature, whether you live under a forest or near a city park. Treat yourself to a moment of deep relaxation and renew your bond with nature!

You can invite your whole family to share the experience (children will love discovering more illustrations and doing related activities).

Simply take your set, sit comfortably under a tree, take a few breaths and draw the first card…

The "Forest Meditations" cards are also intended as a tool for teachers, psychologists, coaches and anyone interested in working with symbols, metaphors and nature.

👉 35 beautifully illustrated cards, each inviting you to a different forest activity,

👉 80-page booklet with detailed instructions for each card,

👉 Forest Baths are deeply relaxing, sharpening your senses and opening you up to the therapeutic and healing powers of the forest,

👉 The activities have been developed by certified shinrin-yoku (Japanese: forest bathing) guides.