Fix loose joints Action figures tight stick stuck Transformer WWE marvel hot toy

Condition : New
Quantity : 1 x 30ml

How to use
1. Can be painted/dropped to apply
2. The needle head is very convenient to use.
3. The liquid dries slowly.
4. DON'T BITE or destroy your beloved FIGURE
5. The liquid is a shiny liquid (designed to reduce friction).
6. Can be used with diecast plastic.

You can whether Carve the FIGURE apart with a hot die and then apply or apply immediate
When there is an excess drop while applying wipe it with water.

+How to Applying by paint
After paint, leave it for 6 hours and then assemble.

+How to Applying by drop
Drop it and move in the first round to let it go down in ball joy and other various parts and leave it for 6 hours. 
After that, move around a bit. Then you can leave it on.
If there is excess use water soaked in a cloth or your fingers to wipe it.

- Shouldn't be left unattended for a long time, the liquid could be stick together 
- If it get stuck? Use a hot die to help blow it and then move it slowly. 

How to Storage :
It can be kept at room temperature/refrigerator. BUT PLEASE close it tightly.