If you have ever heard of the Morefar AIG Back O’ Beyond Golf Course in Brewster, NY then you will know how rare it is to have a hat like this.  To this day this is still an exclusive club, but back in the 80’s this was the club for the rich and famous.  Anybody who was anyone in the 80’s went to this club.  These hats were barely given out.  Only member and employees could get them.  I happen to be working with Penny Alesi who in the 80’s was an employee at the course.   She was lucky enough to have received three hats from there.  This hat is new.  Penny got it and saved it knowing how rare these are.  I see nothing torn or stained with the hat.  Below you will see my templet that explains a little bit of information about Penny.   I assure you that she is getting close to having her film made with some superstar A lister names.  This is already worth a lot.  If you would like this autographed by Penny that can be arranged.  Currently it is not autographed.  

Over the last year I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with Penny Alesi. She has been in the news many times due to her deceased husband Jack Idema.  She has made documentaries about her story and is currently in production with Netflix about her life with Jack and her life now.   Penny is truly a sweetheart. She has been hindered with tons of collectibles, memorabilia that her and Jack collected to the point that she needs to downsize to simplify things.   She has put her faith in my company to move her and for my eBay store to help her find good homes for these great items.  I have thousands of her belongings to sell and currently can get items Autographed by her if you are interested. Feel free to contact me on autograph fees and availability.  Her first documentary is available on utube “King of Stolen Valor “and she will soon be on Netflix.   If you see this Template in the description, you can be assured that the item you are buying belonged to either Penny, Jack or both of them.