This stunning original oil painting on stretched canvas captures the breathtaking beauty of the ocean at sunset. Measuring approximately

32" x 21" inches, this piece features realistic waves and a vibrant sky that will transport you to a peaceful beach. The painting is framed in weathered barn wood and signed by the artist, Pennie Hammer making it a one-of-a-kind addition to any art collection.

The medium-sized artwork is handmade with care and skillfully produced using oil painting techniques. Its theme revolves around the ocean, sunset, seascape, and waves, making it a perfect addition to any room with a coastal or nautical decor. The unit of sale is a single piece, and it is an original piece from the United States. It's a beautiful way to enhance your home's aesthetic and add a touch of artistry that will impress your guests.

The last pic is her business card that was attached to the back of the painting.