NCS Product Synopsis
Update: December 06, 2005
«©NCSX» Based on the Sega coin-op beetle card fighting game and the recent animated cartoon, the NDS version of King of Beetle Mushi King features insect fighting action of simple design. As a new resident in a town, the player makes fast friends as well as enemies when his personal fascination with beetles draws a crowd of like-minded beetle battlers. When two beetles face off, a timer counts down and the player hits buttons in a rocks-scissors-paper challenge. Win with rock to your opponent's scissor and your beetle will get to inflict first blood. The battle continues until the life bar of either beetle reaches zero. Skill cards may be picked up throughout the game to enhance the battle performance of the beetle with special throw, smash, and hold moves. Although the NDS game is based on the Gameboy Advance version, Sega added new features to the game including stylus tapping functionality, a new scenario, and a new character to boot.

   Every copy of the game includes a bonus Dr. Nebu Mushi King card which may be used with the arcade game.