The LEIT-2ET weather based wireless irrigation control system comprises of the LEIT-2ET weather based two-station ambient light (solar) powered irrigation controller with a rain sensor connection, the LEIT RC2ET handset, and the LEIT WWS or LEIT WWSE ambient light (solar) powered weather stations.

The LEIT RC2ET handset is an advanced and cost effective wireless device that is used to communicate with up to 99 LEIT-2ET solar powered controllers, operating up to 198 valves, from a distance of up to 350 feet (100 m) line of sight. The LEIT RC2ET handset has a large LCD display and sophisticated, intuitive, icon-based software. Site information entered into the LEIT RC2ET handset is downloaded to the LEIT-2ET controller, and with hourly data received from the LEIT WWS or LEIT WWSE wireless solar powered weatherstations, the LEIT-2ET controller calculates the daily local microclimate evapotranspiration (ET). The final result is used for a daily adjustment oroverride of the current scheduled irrigation program. All LEIT-2ET controller functions are controlled and reviewed by the LEIT RC2ET handset.

After installation, no further visits to the controller are required.