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Zoll AED Plus is a semi-automaticdefibrillator that not only delivers a shock when needed, but also guides youstep-by-step through the resuscitation process. The electrodes have the addedbenefit of a built-in sensor that will monitor your resuscitation technique andverbally guide you through the entire process; The metronome will enable you toperform chest compressions at the correct pace, and clear voice prompts willwarn you if compressions are not deep enough, but also provide positivefeedback when you are using the correct resuscitation technique - much neededduring what is often a stressful event.

In addition to voice prompts, theZoll Plus AED has clear visual pictograms on its internal casing, with LEDs toguide you through each step of the resuscitation process, and if that's notenough, there is also an LCD screen, allowing you to read the instructions aswell. These features of the Zoll Plus AED make it an excellent choice forbeginners or non-professional users.

the Zoll AED Plus defibrillatordon't end there! In addition to being housed in a strong and durable outercasing, this defibrillator is also highly resistant to water and dirtcontamination. Both electrodes and batteries have a 5-year lifespan, whichmeans you only have to monitor one expiry date, and with a 7-yearmanufacturer's warranty (5 years automatically and an additional 2 years if youregister your AED with Zoll), you'll have replace batteries and electrodes onlyonce during the period of use if the AED has not been implemented, and all thismakes the Zoll Plus AED a maintenance-free defibrillator.

Unlike the fully automatic model,the semi-automatic model also has a defibrillation button. The defibrillatorwill monitor the patient's heart rhythm and prompt the user to press the shockbutton if it detects that a shock is necessary.



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