The Maffetone Method Will Show You How Simple It Can Be To Feel Good Again

Here's what people have said about Philip Maffetone's approach to health and fitness:

"Dr. Maffetone's system goes beyond dealing with symptoms; he looks at health and fitness as an integrated balance. He deals with the whole picture clearly and directly. Fascinating and illuminating--and I feel great!" --James Taylor, singer, recording artist

"I appreciate your contribution to both my own physical health and to others." --Anthony Robbins, best-selling author

"A sensible and balanced approach to better fitness and health." --Kent Johnston, strength and conditioning boach, Green Bay Packers

Eclectic, insightful, inspirational--doctor and coach Philip Maffetone has helped some of the world's premier athletes achieve astonishing results. But he's equally interested in the athlete inside each of us. In "The Maffetone Method," he destroys the "no pain, no gain" training myth and introduces a revolutionary fitness program that not only engenders peak performance but can help you enjoy the most vibrant health of your life. Clearly, simply, and sensibly, Dr. Maffetone explains the benefits of aerobic fitness, proper nutrition, stress reduction, and even choosing the right exercise shoes (expensive is not better!). "The Maffetone Method" will show you how simple it can be to feel good again.

McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Foreword, by Mark Allen



The Maffetone Method Questionnaire; The Method; Is Your Workout Working?; Too Fat?; Are You Aerobically Deficient?Part 1: Understanding the Basics1. Defining ExerciseHealth and Fitness; Aerobic and Anaerobic; Muscle Fibers; Go Aerobic; Activity and Exercise; Training and Endurance; Overtraining and Undertraining2. Exercise and StressStressed Out?; Any of These Sound Familiar?; Effects of Excess Stress; Stages of the Stress Reaction; The General Adaptation Syndrome; Your Stress List; Simple Ways to Avoid Stress; Exercises That Increase Stress; Stress Testing3. The Structural, Chemical, and Mental Aspects of ExerciseStructural Benefits; Chemical Benefits; Mental Benefits4. Developing Maximum Aerobic FunctionMeasuring Fat Burning; Top Reasons for Increased Body Fat; Why Build an Aerobic Base?5. Developing the Anaerobic SystemAnaerobic Training; Sample One-Hour Workouts; Build Your Base; Summary of Anaerobic Benefits6. Exercise and Heart RateMeasuring Your Heart Rate; 220 or 180-Formula?; The 180-Formula; Modifying Your Heart Rate7. The Use of Heart Rate MonitorsThe Maximum Aerobic Function Test; Steady Progress; MAF Test and Competition8. Warming Up, Cooling Down, and StretchingWarming Up; Cooling Down; The Right Rate; Active Warm-Up and Recovery in Competition; Stretching; Even for Golf9. The Aerobic Deficiency SyndromeQuantity versus Quality of Life; ADS; Correcting ADS10. The Overtraining SyndromeThree Stages of Overtraining; Menstrual Problems and Overtraining; Correction of Overtraining

Part 2: Individualizing Your Program11. A New Beginning: Starting Your ProgramStart Simply; Walking; Children and Exercise; Other Activities; Exercises to Avoid; Starting Out: Exercises to Avoid; Your First Workout12. Modifying Your ProgramIs Your Workout Working?; Goals, Equipment, Aerobic Base; Frustration; Direction and Measurement13. Rehabilitation: Restoring Your YouthQuality of Life; Heart Disease; Blood Fats; Hypertension; Blood-Sugar Problems; Osteoporosis; Rehabilitation; Walking in Water14. Changing with the SeasonsSpring; Summer; Fall; Winter; Dressing for Successful Exercise; SAD15. Exercise Footwear: Finding the Right ShoeHow Shoes Can Cause Stress; Arch Function; Taping and Other Joint Support; Other Ankle Dysfunction; Proper Shoe Fit; How to Buy Athletic Shoes16. Anatomy of an InjuryNSAIDs; The Structural Injury; The Chemical Injury; The Mental or Emotional Injury; Mending Your Own Injury; The Correct Therapy17. The Diaphragm MuscleThe Diaphragm and the Abdominals; Breathing in Step18. If Einstein Were Your CoachBad Timing; Relative Timing19. Training Schedules for CompetitionA Marked Improvement; Less Is More20. Diet and NutritionGeneral Dietary Recommendations; The Top Diet Dos and Don'ts; Carbohydrate Intolerance; The Two-Week Test; The Importance of Snacking to Burn Fat; Follow the Plan; Balancing Dietary Fat; The Good, Bad, and Ugly Fats

