Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus/Timon of AthensShakespeare: An Overview Biographical Sketch / A Note on the Anti-Stratfordians, Especially Baconians and Oxfordians / The Shakespeare Canon / Shakespeare's English / Shakespeare's Theater / A Note on the Use of Boy Actors in Female Roles / Shakespeare's Dramatic Language: Costumes, Gestures and Silences; Prose and Poetry / The Play Text as a Collaboration / Editing Texts / Shakespeare on the Stage

Introduction to Titus Andronicus The Most Lamentable Roman Tragedy of Titus Andronicus Textual Note A Possible Source of Titus Andronicus: The History of Titus Andronicus

Commentaries H. T. Price From The Authorship of Titus Andronicus Richard David Dreams of Eale Sylvan Barnet Titus Andronicus on Stage and Screen

Introduction to Timon of Athens The Life of Timon of Athens Textual Note The Sources of Timon of Athens Lucian Timon Plutarch From The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans William Painter From The Palace of Pleasure

Commentaries William Richardson On the Dramatic Character of Timon of Athens Roy Walker From Unto Caesar: A Review of Recent Productions David Cook Timon of Athens Susan Handelman Timon of Athens: The Rage of Disillusion Maurice Charney Timon of Athens on Stage and Screen

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