The card in the picture(s) is the card you will receive.

Please look over the photos closely so you know exactly what you are getting.

The Items You Will Be Receiving:

Star Wars Top Trumps Cards ⭐️ Lucasfilm Ltd. ⭐️32 Large Cards (3.5" x 4.75") Set

Cards Included
                                                    Height           Dark    Jedi   Battle   Force
    Title                     Affiliation          (meters)  Brains  Side   Powers  Skills   Factor

    Anakin Skywalker          Jedi                   1.85      16      18      75      55       4
    Boba Fett                 Bounty Hunter          1.83      11      20      17      49       4
    C-3PO                     Droid                  1.67      19       0       0       8       6
    Chewbacca                 Rebel Alliance         2.28      12       5      10      55       4
    Commander Cody            Republic               1.83      12      20       2      39       1
    Count Dooku               Separatist             1.93      18      21      70      55       2
    Darth Maul                Sith Lord              1.75       9      24      80      48       1
    Darth Vader               Galactic Empire        2.03      16      22      82      55       4
    Emperor Palpatine         Empire                 1.73      14      25      95      25       5
    General Grievous          Separatist             2.16      17      20      50      60       1
    Greedo                    Bounty Hunter          1.73       8      18       2      30       2
    Han Solo                  Rebel Alliance         1.83      13       6       4      50       3
    Jabba the Hutt            Criminal               1.75      13      20       0      10       3
    Jango Fett                Bounty Hunter          1.83      11      20      17      49       1
    Ki-Adi-Mundi              Jedi                   1.98      17       3      85      46       3
    Kit Fisto                 Jedi                   1.96      13       4      81      44       2
    Lama Su                   Haminoan               2.29      13       5       1      12       1
    Lando Calrissian          Rebel Alliance         1.78      15       8       6      48       2
    Luke Skywalker            Jedi                   1.72      15       4      90      43       4
    Mace Windu                Jedi                   1.88      18       2      95      55       3
    Mas Amedda                Republic               1.96      10       9       1      14       3
    Mon Mothma                Rebel Alliance         1.7       16       0      30      20       2
    Obi-Wan Kenobi            Jedi                   1.75      18       1      80      26       6
    Poggle the Lesser         Separatist             1.75       8      14       1       9       2
    Princess Leia Organa      Rebel Alliance         1.52      17       1      50      38       4
    Qui-Gon Jinn              Jedi                   1.93      19       2      65      41       1
    R2-D2                     Droid                  1.09      14       0       0      14       6
    Senator Amidala           Republic               1.65      17       2      30      40       2
    Tarfful                   Wookiee                2.34       8       6      10      52       1
    Wicket W Warrick          Ewok                   0.8       14       2      20       1       1
    Draw Your Own Character

    How to Play [Game Play insert]
List based on Jeff Allender's House of Checklists

Thank you for your interest in this auction and please consider my other offerings.