SPECIFICATION -  BY0207251  Titanium Cobolt Extreme for Rescue, Demolition Work, Steel Plate and Solid Metal as well as Solid Rubber Removal

DISCRIPTION     -  225mm x 22mm x 1.6mm 

                                9" / 10TPI

                                TITANUIM EXTREME

When you want a blade to do what it was designed to do, get it right the first time!

(770)  Stands by its product range with assurance, that these blades will perform with ease, the task it was designed for.

These blades are a game changing solution to the age old bane of extending the life of a cutting blade.

Engineered to deliver long life with ease of use in whatever tough application your working in...

..... These Blades Will Deliver!

Made from HCS High Carbon Steel with TITANIUM COBOLT, you will be pleased with the ease of use and the satisfaction of a task completed well due to the extra long blade life and endurance.

This blades prime purpose is CUTTING METAL.

With  10TPI...Tooth Per Inch this blade is perfect for removing stubborn bolts, black pipe, gal pipe, sheet plate, steel bar, RHS, SHS, aluminium, solid rubber

That being so its 22mm in depth x 1.6 mm thick by its 225mm length gives the blade a balance to handle any rescue or demolition application.  


Always wear approved PPE safety glasses, gloves and masks when using this blade

We are proud to offer you a Quality Blade at a price level suitable to its function!

Buy now with Confidence!