Tok Saju Minyak Gamat Langkawi / Sea Cucumber Oil (Traditional Medicine).

Content/Weight : 25ml per bottleThe word 'Gamat' (Malay for sea cucumber) refers to medicinal remedies derived from several species of sea cucumbers.Sea cucumbers are marine animals with a leathery skin and an elongated body containing a single, branched gonad and are found on the sea floor worldwide.This magical sea cucumber oil is used since hundreds of years here in Malaysia as massage oil to relieve muscle and joint pain.It is also applied on insect bites to reduce pain and swelling and will accelerate wound healing on small cuts and bruising.If your stomach feels bloated because of gas, rub a small amount of oil into the navel area. Also helps with itchiness.

▪Certified by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia.
▪For external use only. Just apply a small amount of oil to the area of discomfort.
▪The expiration date is at least 1 year from the purchase date.

▪Product details of Minyak Gamat Plus (Sea Cucumber Oil) :Ingredients/Bahan Aktif:1. Cocos Nusifera (Minyak Kelapa) 1140mg2. Stichopus (Ibu Gamat) 14280mg3. Eucalyptus Oil (Minyak Kayu Putih) 1420mg4. Nugmed Oil (Minyak Pala) 1420mg5. Citronella Oil (Minyak Serai) 80mg6. Frograecoehinchinesis (Akar Tenusu) 80mg7. Vitex Purbescens (Akar Halban) 120mg8. Andrographis Paniculata (Akar Cerita) 1420mg

▪Apply to body surfaces such as the skin or mucous membranes to treat ailments
▪Apply directly to the skin.
▪Easy to use
▪To relieve mild itchiness
▪To treat muscle pain
▪To reduce body wind
▪To massage post partum (after birth)