Garden State Bulb Stargazer Oriental Lily Flower Bulbs are imported directly from our farms and growers in Holland. These bulbs are 6 to 7 inches (16/18cm) in size and carefully checked for quality before shipment. The stunning pink petals of these lilies feature a captivating gradient, with a darker hue at the center that gradually fades to a delicate white at the tips. Additionally, they are adorned with beautiful magenta flecks, adding an extra touch of elegance. Not only will these lilies attract butterflies and hummingbirds with their sweet fragrance, but they will also catch the attention of your neighbors. Growing up to 3-4 feet tall, these lilies are perfect for both gardens and containers, thriving in moist and well-drained soil.

Product Specs:

Planting Instructions: 
      1. Plant lily bulbs in the spring after the ground has thawed and there is no longer danger of frost.
      2. Choose a location with well-drained soil. Loosen soil prior to planting. 
      3. Dig a hole in loosened soil 6-8"" deep. Place the bulb in the hole with the roots down and any sprouts facing up. Space each bulb 6-8” apart.
      4. Cover with soil and water well so that the soil above the bulbs settles. Keep soil moist during periods of dry weather but do not overwater.