Relax into a peaceful nights sleep, even during an Alaskan Summer when the sun never sets! Magnesium is a vital mineral and it’s common to be deficient. Simply by introducing Magnesium as a topical lotion (~ 1-2tsps) 1-2 times daily you could be sleeping better, your restless legs could be resting and those pesty leg cramps could be a thing of the past! 
We have combined magnesium brine with organic skin loving oils and organic essential oils to reduce/eliminate the discomforts/itching/drying effects that topical magnesium oils or sprays tend to have. Due to mixing of oils and brine you may notice a 'wet' sensation to your lotion. 
We use this in our home routinely for muscle cramps, restless leg (especially when I was pregnant), and difficulties sleeping. I especially love the combination of peppermint and lavender EO that create an incredible mind relaxing scent.

For Best results use 2 tsps twice daily for 1 week then reduce quantity as desired.