Israeli Medjoul Dates – Family size 1 KG - Kosher Organic Premium Quality

The king of the dates. The biggest and the sweetest of all.
Keep in freezer for long time.

A large Majhol date (size L)
The dates are harvested (harvested) in the months of August. and is transferred to a strict sorting department, after sorting the fruit will be sent to freezing and from there to marketing. Kiyum Israel is the world's number one exporter of the Majhol variety. When most of the fruit is distributed and does not reach the Israeli markets. Farmers who grow dates are able to bring quality produce at a high sorting level and market it in the local markets.

The Majhol fruit can be found in two variations: dry and juicy:
The dry fruit usually comes from the prairie and the valley. The fruit can last outside the freezer and is not as sweet as its juicy brother, but it is recommended to keep it frozen for a long time. The weight of each item can range from 14 grams to 28 grams per fruit.
The second (the juicy fruit) has increased sweetness, and it cannot survive for a long time outside of freezing, this variety is considered the most desirable variety, when you can sometimes see it sold in single units. The weight of each unit is relatively high and can even reach 50 grams per fruit.

Today, Majhol is also grown in California, USA, in addition to Iraq and Israel, but the quality of the world's fruit is not comparable to the amazing fruit grown in Israel.
The occasional tourists to our store say that the Israeli fruit is not similar to its brothers in America. And as a general rule, the vast majority of tourists who come to Israel, like the variety and choose it as a representative of the Land of Israel.
Growing area - Valley - Prairie.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:
277 calories
Sodium 1 mg
Calcium 64 mg
Iron 0.9 mg
Magnesium 54 mg
Potassium 696 mg

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