Ganesha on Peacock Signifying Healing

Have piece of mind and enjoy life with this Hindu Ganesha art.

Ganesh, also known as Ganapati, is immediately recognizable as the elephant-headed god. He is the god of wisdom and learning, as well as the remover of obstacles, and consequently the sign of auspiciousness.

Ganesha is pictured in this art sitting on a peacock signifying his healing powers and advice. Peacock feathers have been used in curative remedies for thousands of years in across countless traditional cultures.

Ganesha prompts you to see yourself as complete, healthy and whole. And that the true essence of your soul is one of complete health. True healing is only possible when you take responsibility for your own wellbeing on this Earth.

Just imagine…a special place in your home for this art of Hindu God Ganesha…picture yourself surrounded by a warmth and affection that shows up in your day-to-day life. This is the power in owning artwork of Hindu God Ganesh. So get one for yourself today.