Alocasia Sarian Starter Elephant Ears Plants Indoor & Outdoor Live Tropical House plant | Rooted Easy Care Starter Plant

Alocasia Sarian is a hybrid of Alocasia zebrina, is a tropical perennial that features leathery arrowhead-shaped leaves which are dark green and upward pointing, each leaf has white veins that run along the center of the leaves. Sarian does not do well in temperatures lower than 60 degrees and must be brought inside when temperatures begin to drop. When grown year round in warm climates, it will grow up to 12 ft. tall and 10ft wide.

- Please note Alocasia's are susceptible to some yellowing of the leaves from transit, this is normal, they will bounce back within weeks and will continue sending out new shoots.

Plant Care
• Plants shipped online are in complete darkness for several days, once received place in a low light for a few days.
• Repotting / Fertilizing, once received Wait 4 weeks before repotting or fertilizing, Fertilize during Spring to Fall base on label instructions.
• Water, allow the top 1-2 inch of Soil to dry out, may take 7-12 days, water slowly to allow the soil moist evenly.
• Humidity, most Tropical plants can benefit from regular moisture, a humidifier or regular misting is recommended.
• Light, if is bright enough to read is bright enough for plants, if outdoors place in indirect sun light under Shade.

Lighting Instructions |

When grown inside, these plants do best near the brightest window in your home, such as a south or north-facing window. This will provide them with the bright, indirect lighting they need. Be sure to rotate the pot a bit every week to ensure even growth, as the plant will inevitably turn towards the light. When grown outside, Alocasia Sarian will thrive in partial sun, or dappled light, such as on the edge of a covered patio or balcony. Morning sun is preferred, as afternoon sun can be intense and can cause scorched leaves.

Watering Instructions |

Alocasia Sarian enjoys moderate amounts of water and does best when the top few inches of the soil is allowed to dry out in-between watering. The frequency of watering will depend on the environment, how humid the area is, and how much sun the plant gets. Check the top few inches of soil with your finger, only providing more water if it feels dry.

Temperature & Humidity Instructions |

As a tropical plant, Alocasia Sarian thrives in warm, humid conditions. It enjoys high humidity levels and temperatures above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. When planted outdoors, it can be grown in zones 9 to 11.

For indoor plants, be sure to give them plenty of humidity through misting or humidifiers. Keep them away from harsh drafts, as this can dry out the plant. 

Plant Benefits
• Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins, and removing harmful chemicals.
• Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity.
• Reduce stress, Fatigue and Allergies.
• Add life to a given space, Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist.

We hope that you enjoy your new plants! Our main objective is to deliver base on your Satisfaction Guarantee Policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our friendly customer service team is here to help.