Series 2 opens with Hospital. At the beginning of this superb episode, we see Patsy arrive at Edina's house being followed by the press after she's caught up in a sex-scandal. She's all over the papers and her reaction to the suggestion that she's 47 years old is hilarious! She goes mental! Hello! magazine want to do a photoshoot of Patsy, so she has to try and look 35; the result is rather unexpected...walking like a skeleton and eyes that appear to be closed are the highlights. Of course, Edina has to buy tons of new "things" for her living room after hearing Hello! are coming, including an eskimo papoose! Absolutely Fabulous constantly takes the mickey out of the stuck-up and snobby fashion world we live in today. The ditzy Hello! magazine interviewer who doesn't even know what she's doing is another side of the fashion world mickey-take by Jennifer Saunders - this being that most people who work in fashion have nothing to do. Death is the next episode, and probably the most disturbing one of all the series. Edina's mother tells her that her father is dead, and she just doesn't care! "What, did she finish him off?!" she says to her daughter Saffy about her mother. Edina takes a trip to an art store to buy some "things," saying that the shop assistant. The episode is very funny, but a bit disturbing. In the episode Morocco, Edina and Patsy take a trip to Marrakech to get away from it all. A good episode, but not a highlight.
New Best Friend is another excellent episode in which Edina's old friends come to stay at her house. The last time she met up with them, they were incredibly minimalist - white rooms, white clothes, etc. Edina wants to makes her house look as tidy as possible for when her two old friends arrive, but Patsy's jealous and she falls out with Edina. Trying to act as if they have friends other than each other when they find themselves in a restaurant alone are the highlights. But now Edina's friends have a baby! Their lives have totally changed, and the mother is hilarious in the situation-type comedy scenes where everything that can go wrong do, especially when she hears her husband with know, doing stuff on the baby monitor! Absolutely hilarious. Poor is a favourite episode for many fans of the show. Edina's ex-husband has threatened to stop his money income to support the family and she's furious. She has to cancel food orders from Harrods and is forced to go to a supermarket! She has no idea what one is, so you can expect the mayhem and chaos she and Patsy will cause when they have to drive themselves there! They get out of their car and hurl abuse at a driver who dares to hoot their horn at them, expect assistance at the supermarket, park their car on the pavement outside Harvey Nichols, and are forced to visit "The Car-Clamp Club" to try and get the damn thing off their wheel! The ending results with Edina and Patsy in court, facing charges of driving without a licence, driving without insurance, not wearing a seatbelt, having no tax-disc displayed, driving over the legal speed limit, driving under the influence of alcohol, allowing another person to drive your vehicle under the influence of alcohol, in the region of £5,000 of parking fees owing, £6,000 of damage to property, charges of assault and abuse, and shoplifting while the charges of attempted murder and robbery are dropped! Birth is probably the best episode of Series 2 - and a superb series finale! Saffy has a man coming round to her house, but she doesn't want Edina and Patsy to know. When the three are locked in the living room by Edina's insane mother, they are forced to put up with each other. In these desperate situations, Patsy's worse nightmare is confronted - she'd rather die than be locked in a room with Saffy. Edina and Patsy try to help Saffy with her "first sexual experience" with a Cosmo Sex Quiz - hilarity ensures. Edina tells Saffy about her birth and how beautiful it was. The news pleases Saffy, but of course it's a pack of lies. Patsy (telling that the first few years of her life, she was locked in a room!) and Edina's flashback to their births are also superb.