Book Description

Combat Heroes: Scarlet Sorcerer by Joe Dever


Scarlet Sorcerer is a unique role-playing adventure game designed for 1 or 2 players. It contains two separate action-packed adventures. In the solo adventure, you become the Scarlet Sorcerer, the star pupil of the mighty wizard Silvarion. Tasked with stealing the evil Deathlord's prized possession – his Power Crystal – the theft is discovered, and your master is killed. It's up to you to uncover the clues and retrieve the crystal before Deathlord's forces catch up. In the dual adventure, you need a copy of the twin book, Emerald Enchanter, and a friend to engage in an epic battle in the skies of Thorasia, maneuvering a magical skyship to defeat your rival who also seeks the Power Crystal.



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