Cover cancelled 11 October,2018 signed by Soyuz MS-10 crew Ovchinin-Hague prior Soyuz MS-10(aborted) launch.
On March 14, 2019 cover flown to the ISS aboard Soyuz MS-12 with mission commander Alexei Ovchinin.Returned to Earth aboard same Soyuz MS-12 October 3, 2019.
-Soyuz MS-10 original crew:cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin and astronaut Nick Hague.
Signed at Cosmodrome Baikonur October 2018 prior Soyuz MS-10 start.

Hand stamps:
1.Three Baikonur cancellation 11 October 2018 (Soyuz MS-10 launch day)
2.Two "Board of ISS" hand stamps: Main Octagonal stamp and round stamp of Russian Segment of ISS, dated 20 July, 2019

Questions are welcome.