Good Evening, What I am listing tonight Is an 8 x 11 beautiful color photo of the B29 " Necessary Evil "  393rd Bomb Squadron,( VH ) 509th Composite Group. The B29 " Necessary Evil " was one of 15 B29's especially built to carry and drop an Atomic Bomb

I have attended all 509th Reunions since 1990.Elected Official Historian of the 509th by the Veterans, Chaired 16 of their Reunions. This photograph was developed from the original Kodachrome Color Slide taken by 393rd Armament Officer Jack Wright.

 The photo has been, hand signed on the photo by the Navigator, Russell Gackenbach, James Anderson, Pilot, James Corliss, Flight Engineer, Mel Bierman, Central Fire Control/Tail gunner. This was their assigned plane to fly the Hiroshima Mission on August 6th as the scientific photographic plane. They flew different plane on each Atomic Mission.

 Most autographed 509th color plane photos originated from my collection. As with my other listings you are purchasing from an Historian not someone who buys autographs to sell them at a profit. I researched these photos and crews. I have attended all 509th Reunions 1990 to 2016. Have been Reunion Chairman 2001-2006,2008-17, a total of 16 Reunions.

As what I do with all my listings I will Include copies of letters from Veterans. No need to do a PSA Certification, unless you cannot prove where you obtained the autographs. You know who I am, you can bid with confidence. I obtained the autographs, I obtained the photographs to share with all of you 

 The Marquardt Crew flew two (2) combat Missions over Japan, each time carrying a 10,000 'Fatman" bomb loaded with high explosive (torpex). This crew Is most famous for accompanying the Enola Gay as The Camera B29 on August 6, 1945 and they flew the Enola Gay on the August 9th Mission as the Kokura Weather plane which was the primary target. The Bomb was not dropped on Kokura because of cloud cover. 

  This Is not a scan, reprint, or forgeries, the autographs are original and hand signed on this photo.

  you will also receive a page from our book "The 509th Remembered" the historical data on the plane and crew.

  Copies of our book are available on our site. Please see our site for the veteran book signings we do, just go to the appearance section. You can follow us on Facebook.

                                     Good Luck, happy bidding!!!