King & Country - Disguised Stug III with German Soldiers - Battle of the Bulge - Operation Greif 

No. BBA08, Scale - 1:30, Year - 2005

Unit - Otto Skorzeny Operation Greif - Panzer Brigade 150 

Campaign - Ardennes/Battle of the Bulge 1944

History - Otto Skorzeny used Panzer Brigade 150 and its 3,300 men to attempt to sow confusion in the Allied ranks prior to the Ardennes Offensive. The new brigade used either captured U.S. Army vehicles or ersatz vehicles for this purpose of deception. OB West was asked to find 15 tanks, 20 armored cars, 20 self-propelled guns, 100 jeeps, 40 motorcycles and 120 trucks along with British and U.S. Army uniforms. The equipment delivered fell short of requirements and Skorzeny had to use German substitutes (Panthers for the tanks and Stugs for U.S. tank destroyer mock-ups). Skorzeny only had 10 men who spoke perfect English and 30-40 who spoke English well but had no knowledge of slang and 120-150 who spoke English moderately well. The group was scaled down to 150 into a commando unit named Einheit Stielau. Due to lack of Allied equipment, the difference was made up with German vehicles painted in U.S. olive drab with Allied markings applied. Panthers (and this StuG) were disguised as M10 tank destroyers by removing their cupolas and disguising their hulls and turrets with thin sheet metal. To facilitate recognition with their own forces, the troops wore pink or blue scarves and removed their helmets (and kept their guns pointed in the 9:00 position). 

Markings - Olive drab with U.S. markings in white. Comes with three soldiers (German commandos disguised as U.S. GIs with blue scarves). 

Model - Sturmgeschutz III Ausf G - Sd. Kfz. 142 - made of polystone. Disguised as a U.S. tank destroyer with extra armor and plates. 

Condition - New with minor wear on box. 

Thank you for your interest.