Information about Charak Cytozen Capsule

Charak Cytozen Capsule is a potent liver tonic. It contains herbs like Katuki(Picrorrhiza kurroa), Kalmegh(Andrographis paniculata), Punarnava( Boerhavia diffusa) and Kumari(Aloe barbadensis) that exhibit anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and hepato-protective properties. These herbs are rich in antioxidants that protect liver cells from damage.

Key Ingredients:

Katuki(Picrorrhiza kurroa)

Kalmegh(Andrographis paniculata)

Punarnava( Boerhavia diffusa)

Kumari(Aloe barbadensis)

Key Benefits:

ImprovInformation about Charak Prosteez Tablet

Charak Prosteez Tablet is a herbo-mineral formulation that helps manage prostate health and alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infection and incomplete feeling of urination. Herbs like soya provide isoflavone genistein, which has a direct inhibitory effect on the growth of prostatic tissue. Saw palmetto increases peak urinary flow. Gokshur helps increase energy, while shilajir, kanchnar, and varun reduces inflammation.

Key Ingredients:
  • Soya (Glycine soja)
  • Saw palmetto (Serenoarepens)
  • Varun (Crataevanurvala)
  • Kanchanar (Bauhinia variegate)
  • Yashad Bhasma
  • Purified Asphaltm
  • Piper Cubeba Fr
  • Tinospora Cordifolia St
  • Tribulus Terrestris Fr

  • Poor urine flow
  • Difficulty in urination

Product Form: Tablet

Key Benefits:
  • Soya is rich in isoflavone genistein and has antioxidant properties
  • Saw palmetto maintains hormone levels and inhibits growth of prostate cells
  • Varun reduces and prevents the growth of prostatic tissue and improves bladder health
  • Kanchanar has anti-inflammatory activity that reduces obstruction and eases urine flow


Use as directed by the liver functions

Relieves nausea, vomiting and fatigue

Maintains liver health

Helps reduce the harmful effect of diseases and alcohol on the liver

Directions For Use:

1-2 capsule twice daily or as directed.