Enter the Realm of Magic...

Book 1: The Charm Bracelet
When Jessie visits her grandmother at beautiful Blue Moon, she discovers an amazing secret, and enters the Realm for the first time.

Fairies, elves, tiny horses, and all kinds of magical beings live in the Realm. A noble Queen in a great golden palace rules them all. A high hedge keeps out dangerous creatures.

But the Realm is in terrible danger. Jessie must outwit an evil enemy and save the land before it is destroyed forever.

Book 2: The Flower Fairies
The Fairy Realm needs Jessie's help: The griffins that guard the treasure house are out of control! Then, just when Jessie thinks things are back to normal, the youngest flower fairies follow Jessie out of the Realm. Can Jessie protect them from the dangers of her own world?