Seven-channel QTouch® Touch Sensor IC
The AT42QT1070 (QT1070) is a digital burst mode charge-transfer (QT™) capacitive sensor driver. The device can sense from one to seven keys, dependent on mode.
The QT1070 includes all signal processing functions necessary to provide stable sensing under a wide variety of changing conditions, and the outputs are fully debounced. Only a few external parts are required for operation and no external Cs capacitors are required.
The QT1070 modulates its bursts in a spread-spectrum fashion in order to heavily suppress the effects of external noise, and to suppress RF emissions. The QT1070 uses a dual-pulse method of acquisition. This provides greater noise immunity and eliminates the need for external sampling capacitors, allowing touch sensing using a single pin.
  • Configurations:
    – Comms mode
    – Standalone mode
  • Number of Keys:
    – Comms mode: 1 – 7 keys (or 1 – 6 keys plus a Guard Channel)
    – Standalone mode: 1 – 4 keys plus a fixed Guard Channel on key 0
  • Number of I/O Lines:
    – Standalone mode: 5 outputs
  • Technology:
    – Patented spread-spectrum charge-transfer
  • Key Outline Sizes:
    – 6 mm x 6 mm or larger (panel thickness dependent); widely different sizes and shapes possible
  • Layers Required:
    – One
  • Electrode Materials:
    – Etched copper; Silver; Carbon; Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)
  • Panel Materials:
    – Plastic; Glass; Composites; Painted surfaces (low particle density metallic paints possible
  • Panel Thickness:
    – Up to 10 mm glass; Up to 5 mm plastic (electrode size dependent)
  • Key Sensitivity:
    – Comms mode: individually settable via simple commands over I²C-compatible interface
    – Standalone mode: settings are fixed
  • Interface:
    – I²C-compatible slave mode (400 kHz). Discrete detection outputs)
  • Signal Processing:
    – Self-calibration
    – Auto drift compensation
    – Noise filtering
    – Adjacent Key Suppression® (AKS®) – up to three groups possible
  • Power:
    – 1.8 V – 5.5 V
  • Package:
    – 14-pin SOIC RoHS compliant IC
Versand / Shipping
Kostenloser Sparversand: 2 - 3 Werktage
PRIO Versand: 1 - 2 Werktage
Versicherter Versand: 1 - 2 Werktage
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Kostenloser Sparversand: 5 - 10 Werktage
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PRIO Versand: 2 - 4 Werktage
PRIO shipping: 2 - 4 business days
Versicherter Versand: 2 - 4 Werktage
Insured shipping: 2 - 4 business days
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