Collection Figures Pre-Columbian Quimbaya Altarpieces, Quimbaya Culturee, Colombia.

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  • Material: solid clay
  • Type of Figure: Quimbaya Altarpiece
  • Quimbaya Culture - Coffee Region and North of Caldas, Colombia.
  • Age of the original culture from 2,600 to 2,800 years.
  • Weight: approximately 860 grams each figure.
  • Measurement in inches: See the image corresponding to the figure of interest.
  • This is a handmade craft.

  • Free Shipping 5 days USA by Fedex.
  • Does not include taxes in destination country if required.
  • What you see is what you get.


The altarpieces are one of the various ways in which pre-Hispanic societies modeled the human body, these are characteristic of the populations known as Quimbaya, in the department of Caldas to the north of Valle del Cauca.

The altarpieces are anthropomorphic figures with tabloid bodies, solid or hollow cylindrical limbs, with excised fingers, sometimes even having more than five fingers.

Among the characteristics of the altarpieces are the facial and body painting, nose rings in tumbaga as a crescent-shaped ring and frontal holes in the head, which some researchers have indicated were used to place feathers, very possibly as ornaments.

These pieces are mainly associated with funerary contexts; the faces in the altarpieces are inexpressive, with eyes and lips in the form of horizontal lines and an aquiline nose; They can be feminine, masculine and asexual representations, likewise, the figures are usually represented in a seated position and with a naked body.

  • Free Shipping 5 days USA by Fedex.
  • Does not include taxes in destination country if required.
  • What you see is what you get.