Please see entire description for full and important information

.5 oz size glass jar


"Jezebel Oil" emerges as a captivating blend, delicately crafted for those who tread the path of spiritual exploration and manifestation. This oil, presented as a curio, is steeped in the lore and mystique of its namesake, offering an aromatic tool for those who seek to enhance their personal rituals and practices with an intention towards empowerment and self-assurance.

Rooted in a rich tapestry of tradition, "Jezebel Oil" is a complex fusion of elements, each component meticulously chosen to resonate with the themes of confidence, strength, and the magnetic allure that defines the essence of Jezebel. Though the specific ingredients remain a closely guarded secret, enveloped in the mystery that enhances its allure, users are invited to engage with the oil as a means to amplify their intentions and personal energy.

Without making specific promises, "Jezebel Oil" is designed to be a companion in rituals where the aim is to foster a sense of empowerment, to assert one's will, and to cultivate an aura of unapologetic charisma. It's for those who wish to stand in their power, making their presence felt in the world around them.

The oil serves as a curio, a point of focus for those who engage in the practice of setting intentions and working towards their manifestation in a spiritual context. It can be used to anoint candles, added to bath water, or worn on the body as a personal fragrance, each method a means to immerse oneself in the energy it is thought to embody.

"Jezebel Oil" invites its users to approach their spiritual practice with an open heart and mind, allowing the blend to serve as a catalyst for self-reflection and the exploration of personal power. It is a tribute to the enduring legacy of Jezebel, reimagined as a tool for contemporary seekers, a bridge to the ancient world where intention and manifestation were intertwined with the magic of botanicals.

As a curio, "Jezebel Oil" is a testament to the belief in the power of intention, the energy of botanicals, and the personal journey of spiritual and emotional empowerment. It is a symbolic blend, intended for external use, offering a sensory experience meant to support the individual's journey toward manifesting their deepest intentions and desires.

Our handmade items used with spells/intentions/petitions are crafted from long standing Wiccan, pagan and hoodoo beliefs of their powers.

The art of petitions include your desires, and your true beliefs and to better focus your intentions are what will cause them to manifest. Be sure during your intention ritual to visualize yourself receiving your manifestation and feel the feelings of receiving your intention.

A bit about me. Since I can remember, I have had a strong bond with animals, insects and plants that not everyone around me could understand. As I grew, I found a deeper understanding and peace with them. This created a profound belief that our connection with nature is much stronger than many of us utilize in our day to day life. Finding and nurturing this connection is what led me to create my store, to share this with the world and you. If these past couple years have taught us all something, it is that we are all in this together and I hope that by using NewMoonVibes products you too, will set and focus your intentions, manifest your desires and bring life to your affirmations.

Strengthen your affirmations with an array of spiritual items from our store.

Essential oils are known for their spiritual benefits. We use them in each and every product.

Herbs and botanicals, long believed strong bearers of magickal properties are infused into every item we carry.

Although we have faith in all our products we are required by law to let you know the following:

All items sold as a curio only.

Skin patch test recommended before use of any product designed for skin contact as allergies can be possible due to any ingredients, herbs and/or oils included in purchased products.

Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested ( Do NOT eat or drink them), including the herbs.

This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease.

No specific results are implied or guaranteed.

Not intended to be a replacement for proper medical care.

Items are for entertainment purposes only and the seller cannot guarantee the desired results.

Please be advised that I can not make guarantees of how any product will affect a physical change or other outcome. We do not make promises to heal chronic illnesses or advise you to use this product as a means of self medication. Always consult with your physician if you are nursing, pregnant, or have any pre-existing conditions. Keep out of eyes. Not suitable for oral consumption.

Refunds and/or exchanges are not permitted.

******** Ingredients ***********

---Carrier oil, Essential Oils, Herbs & Botanicals, Fragrance

Stolen/Missing package

If the order is scanned as delivered to the address provided during checkout, first make sure you input the correct address on your receipt.

Next, contact the delivering post office immediately and speak with a supervisor who needs to check the GPS location of where it was delivered so they can locate it for you.

Possibly ask close neighbors if they received if feasible. Lastly, unfortunately, package theft is not covered by Shipping Insurance (which is only available with the priority mail upgrade) and we cannot/will not replace orders or refund orders

at our expense that were made, shipped and scanned as delivered to the requested 'ship to' address